Think that you need to work with UserDefaults to save if user is logged in, or if onboarding is already showed.
Your code looks like it:
let userDefaults = UserDefaults.standard
userDefaults.set(logged, forKey: "isLoggedIn")
if UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "isLoggedIn") {
print("User Logged")
My propose is replace for it:
AppSettings[.isLoggedIn] = true
if AppSettings.boolValue(.isLoggedIn) {
print("User Logged")
- Pattern with property names;
- If you need change UserDefaults to a Database (or something else) you will need change 2 lines;
- It’s clear to Understand AppSettings — SOLID
- Setting value it’s easy
- Getting value it’s type safety
- Need Swift 5.1.
Let’s code:
Create a Playground:

Import Foundation:
import Foundation
Now we will create an Enum! Yes an Enum!
public enum AppSettings {
The next step is create a subscript
public enum AppSettings {
public static subscript(_ key: String) -> Any? {
get {
return UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: key)
set {
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(newValue, forKey: key)
Running this code you can use:
AppSettings["isLogged"] = true
if let logged = AppSettings["isLogged"] as? Bool, logged {
print("User Logged")
Ok… but is not beautiful 🙁 But wait!
Now we will create a New Enum inside AppSettings AND make some changes:
public enum AppSettings {
// New enum with the Keys, add all settings key here
public enum key: String {
case isLoggedIn = "isLoggedIn"
case userName = "userName"
public static subscript(_ key: key) -> Any? { // the parameter key have a enum type `key`
get { // need use `rawValue` to acess the string
return UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: key.rawValue)
set { // need use `rawValue` to acess the string
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(newValue, forKey: key.rawValue)
Running this code you can use:
AppSettings2[.isLoggedIn] = true
if let logged = AppSettings2[.isLoggedIn] as? Bool, logged {
print("User Logged")
Ok, more useful, with patterns but I still unwrap and verify the type. (as? Bool
The solution… It’s here:
extension AppSettings {
public static func boolValue(_ key: key) -> Bool {
if let value = AppSettings[key] as? Bool {
return value
return false
public static func stringValue(_ key: key) -> String? {
if let value = AppSettings[key] as? String {
return value
return nil
public static func intValue(_ key: key) -> Int? {
if let value = AppSettings[key] as? Int {
return value
return nil
An extension that convert to types, like UserDefaults do.
Now our code looks like:
AppSettings[.isLoggedIn] = true
if AppSettings.boolValue(.isLoggedIn) {
print("User Logged")
// Print: User Logged
You can use and separate enum with key, to have a file with settings keys.
I hope this helps you, if you have questions of suggestions, comment here or call me in my social networks.