Sou um Desenvolvedor iOS apaixonado por soluções que mudam a vida do usuário. Penso que essa profissão me permite mudar a vida das pessoas, tornando o dia a dia delas mais prático, dando a elas tempo para viver as coisas importantes da vida.

Deleting multiple remote branches with a pattern
If you want to delete multiple remote branches following a name pattern, this article will help you!

Productivity: you need a clipboard history manager!
I can convince you that you need a clipboard history manager, and you’ll love that!

Increase the ratings of your apps in the AppStore/PlayStore
If you’re developing a good product, but you have bad reviews, sometimes not related to your development, this article can help you to increase your app’s ratings in the stores.

Improve your project using Makefile
If you need to run a lot of commands to setup your project environment, or/and to run your project, you’ll love the Makefile.

Perdendo o medo de falar em público
Você sente insegurança de falar pra outras pessoas? Da aquele frio na barriga? Sente que vai travar? Não gosta de abrir a camera, ou falar em reuniões com muitas pessoas? Então vem ler esse post que pode te ajudar!

Developer tools: how to be more productive?
Productivity is not about doing more in less time, is about to do better using this time

Getting start with Buck build System
If you want an option to Xcode builds, the Buck build system can be a good solution. I’ll show you in this guide how to get started and why to use an alternative build system.

Apple M1 – Installing HomeBrew and ZSH
Do you want to improve your Terminal experiencie in your Mac? Ok, let’s go! Don’t worry, both Apple M1 and…

Apple M1 – Xcode error when build in simulator
If you have seen this error: “Building for iOS Simulator, but linking in dylib built for iOS, file for architecture arm64.”, this post is for you.

Apple M1 – Install fastlane
If you are starting to develop with a new Apple M1, follow this article to install fastlane.